This sequel to 2 Days in Paris finds Marion now living with boyfriend Mingus (Chris Rock) and their two kids from previous relationships. They are a happy family. Or at least they were a happy family until her eccentric father, sister and ex-boyfriend arrive from France for a visit that coincides with a gallery opening of Marion’s artwork. 2012, USA, 96 minutes, rated R for language, sexual content, some drug use and brief nudity
“Julie Delpy’s second film as a director confirms the two best indications given by her first directorial effort, 2 Days in Paris—that she has a gift for the wildly absurd and that she can direct herself. Her new film, 2 Days in New York, is a significant step forward. It’s extremely funny, one of the funniest films of 2012, with a particularly winning style—far-fetched, extreme and nonstop.” – Mick LaSalle, San Francisco Chronicle
“It’s a pleasure to meet up again with Marion, the distractible, acerbic, New York-based French photographer played once more by Julie Delpy in 2 Days in New York. This bouncy hand-knitted comedy of cross-cultural relationships, also directed and co-written by Delpy, makes a jaunty sequel to 2 Days in Paris, the star’s lovely 2007 feature-filmmaking debut.” – Lisa Schwarzbaum, Entertainment Weekly