The last opportunity for streaming CATNIP NATION will be at 6:00 PM on Thursday, August 13. The discussion on Zoom begins at 7:30.
Would you risk arrest for a cat? A stray cat? Would you disassociate yourself from your longtime political allies and upset your status quo to protect cats? Stray cats? Would you wage a public relations war to expose abusive government officials or police officers who take aim at (or exact revenge on) people who toil daily to improve the lives of cats? Stray cats? The heroes of Catnip Nation have done all of these things. Their stories are not unique. There are more than 90 million feral cats in the United States and without laws in place to protect community cats, colony caretakers are vulnerable to the whims of government officials, law enforcement, private property owners and the justice system. Ultimately, Catnip Nation is an advocacy tool for activists to unite and come forward to demand laws and/or policy on Trap Neuter Return, a decade’s-old form of population control for feral cats. Made by Rockland Filmmaker Tina Traster (This House Matters), it has won awards at the Hoboken, Kansas, New Hope, and Big Apple film festivals, and a Certificate of Excellence from the Cat Writers’ Association. As well as being made by a Rockland County filmmaker, Catnip Nation is partially shot in the county.
Community Partners: Four Legs Good, promoting the well being of cats, and Rockland Organized for Sustainability and a Safe Aquifer (ROSA). Friends of these organizations receive the member discount.
STREAMING FOR only 48 hours: Tuesday, August 4 at 6:00 PM through Thursday, August 6th at 6:00 PM. BECAUSE OF POWER OUTAGES AS A RESULT OF HURRICANE ASAIAS NEW DATES HAVE BEEN ADDED: Wednesday, August 12, 6:00PM to Thursday, August 13, 6:00 PM
TICKETS: $10, and $8 for members of Rivertown Film, and Friends of FourLegsGood and Rockland Organized for Sustainability and a Safe Aquifer. ALL tickets can be used ANYTIME between 6PM on August 4 and 6PM on August 6. Purchase tickets HERE.
POSTPONED DUE TO HURRICANE ASAIAS: Discussion on Zoom MOVED from 7:30 on Aug. 6 TO 7:30PM on Thursday, August 13. Tina Traster will be joined in a discussion with Michael Sanducci, former Shelter Manager at Hi Tor Animal Shelter, currently with Four Legs Good and an interviewee in the film, moderated by Suzanne Mitchell, board member of Rockland Organized for Sustainability and a Safe Aquifer as well as Rivertown Film. Send an email to for a link to the discussion.
Tina Traster is a socially-conscious, award-winning journalist, author, and filmmaker. Her 30-minute documentary, This House Matters, is an examination on historic preservation in the Hudson Valley. The film has screened at the YoFi Film Festival, the Kingston Film Festival, the Hoboken International Film Festival, and the Nyack Film Festival. Traster’s work has appeared in scores of newspapers, magazines and literary journals including The New York Times, The New York Post, Huffington Post, The Daily Beast, The Atlantic, Redbook, Family Circle, Parade, Time Out New York, Audubon, Ski Magazine and many others. She is the author of the award-winning memoir Rescuing Julia Twice: A Mother’s Tale of Russian Adoption and Overcoming Reactive Attachment Disorder. Since 2006, Traster has written the “Burb Appeal” column for The New York Post. Traster is editor/publisher of the Rockland County Business Journal.