February 13, 2025

IN DEFENSE OF FOOD, presented by Rockland Farm Alliance

Showing: Wednesday, April 26 - 7:00 PM
Title: In Defense of Food
Year: 2015
Country: USA
Genre: ,

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Based on author and food advocate Michael Pollan’s 2008 book, In Defense of Food explores the risks of diet-related diseases, and the value of eating healthy foods. That book was inspired by a speech that writer and Piermont resident, Joan Gussow shared with Michael in 2003. This film screening is presented by Rockland Farm Alliance and sponsored by Rivertown Film.

Joan, a noted nutritionist and author, will introduce the film and participate in a panel after it, along with Rockland Farm Alliance president, John McDowell, and Cropsey Community Farm manager Pearl Wetherall.

“Growing, eating, enjoying local food is not out of reach for many of us,” noted Joan, former chair of the Nutrition Education Program at Teachers College, Columbia University.  Joan’s own garden on the Hudson Riverfront has kept her well nourished year-round for over 20 years, and she is continuously sought after by industry peers, academics and students for her insight and advocacy expertise.  Her association with Michael Pollan began in 1999 at a dinner at the Culinary Institute of America.

Also on the panel, Pearl Wetherall, the first female farmer to direct the 200-member Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) at Cropsey.  Pearl has headed up a 40-acre certified organic vegetable farm in Pennsylvania for the last 8 years and is eager to share her knowledge and plans for this season’s CSA program.  John McDowell, RFA Founder and President, will moderate the panel.

Whether you are a foodie, food policy advocate, concerned citizen, or simply someone who wants to know more about the food industry,  local agriculture, or how to sign up for this season’s CSA at Cropsey, this event will offer an opportunity for networking and raised awareness.

For event tickets and to learn more about signing up for the Cropsey CSA, visit www.rocklandfarm.org.   Admission is $12 per person, and Cropsey CSA members are free.