December 11, 2024

Silent Comedy and Fantasy, presented by Garner Arts and Rivertown Film

Showing: Saturday, July 20, 8:30pm
Title: Silent Comedy and Fantasy, presented by Garner Arts and Rivertown Film
Year: various
Country: various
Genre: ,,

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Silent Classics accompanied by Hervé Alexandre, presented by Garner Arts and Rivertown Film in 2023.

An evening of classic silent comedy and fantasy short films with live original score performed outdoors under the stars by Hervé and Skyler Alexandre. Titles will be announced soon.

General Admission: $12
Current Members/Tenants of GARNER Arts Center: $10
Seniors, Students, Veterans: $10
Rivertown Film Members (use the discount code RIVMEM): $10
Youth (14 and under): $8



Garner Arts members and tenants: MEMTEN
Military/Veterans: MILITARY
Students (Over 14): STUDENT
Rivertown Film Members: RIVMEM