July 27, 2024

THE AMERICAN NURSE and MEET THE FILMMAKER, free, in appreciation of the health care community

Showing: Continuously in May
Year: 2014
Country: USA

View Trailer

In acknowledgement of Nurse Appreciation Month, Week, and Day, we salute our health care community. The American Nurse, which Rivertown Film presented in May, 2015, has been made available for free streaming for free. And on Nurse Appreciation Day, May 6, our Artists from the Archive series will repost our Meet the Filmmakers discussion on this page and on our social media pages.

Through powerful and compelling portraits of five nurses, The American Nurse confronts some of the biggest issues facing America – aging, war, poverty, and prisons. Jason Short drives up a creek to reach a home-bound cancer patient in Appalachia. Tonia Faust runs a prison hospice program where inmates serving life sentences care for their fellow inmates as they’re dying. Naomi Cross coaches patient Becky, an ovarian cancer survivor, through the Caesarean delivery of her son. Sister Stephen runs a nursing home filled with goats, sheep, llamas and chickens where the entire nursing staff comes together to sing to a dying resident. And Brian McMillion, an Army veteran and former medic, rehabilitates wounded soldiers returning from war. The American Nurse will very likely change how you think about the challenges of healthcare in America, and about those who are there for us when we are born and die and many times along the way. USA, 2014, 81 minutes. Thank you to the filmmakers and their distributor for making this film available for free during the COVID 19 outbreak.

VIEW “THE AMERICAN NURSE” HERE: https://kinonow.com/american-nurse

MEET THE FILMMAKERS: Director Carolyn Jones and Producer Lisa Frank will particpate in a discussion with military nurse Kevin McGurk and United Hospice of Rockland nurse Danielle Byrnes, RN, moderated by Judi Peacock, MPH, RN, WCC, and Administrator of the Joe Raso Hospice Residence. View it below.