Nora and Hae Sung, two deeply connected childhood friends, are wrested apart after Nora's family emigrates from South Korea. Two decades later, they are reunited in New York for one fateful week as they confront notions of destiny, love, and the choices that make a life. 2023, USA/South Korea, 105 … [Read more...]
Movies with Love Story
THE SEASONS: Four Love Stories
Over the course of a year, four sets of intertwined characters are faced with turning points in their romantic lives. Each chapter takes place in a different season, with the central … [Read more...]
A sensitive and devastating portrait of a long, happy marriage in sudden crisis. Retirees Kate and Geoff live a comfortable life until the past intrudes in an unnerving manner, forcing them to reassess how well they really know each other. When the body of Geoff’s old girlfriend is discovered, the … [Read more...]
Meet the Filmmaker: Writer Pamela Katz will discuss her film with Susanna Styron after the screening. After escaping from a Nazi death camp, Hannah, a German Jewish woman, and Tomasz, a gentile Polish man fall in love. When they are forcibly separated, each believes the other to have died. Thirty … [Read more...]
The Secret in Their Eyes
A retired Argentine court investigator begins looking into an old crime and finds himself in the center of a judicial nightmare. Set in the present and the 1970's, the film combines a legal thriller/mystery with a love story, and a touch of politics. … [Read more...]